Farmers have the opportunity to get advice on managing cattle on land crossed by footpaths at a farm safety event in Cannington.

Experts in agricultural activities, including the safe handling of all-terrain vehicles, tractors, and a cattle crush, are scheduled to attend.

It is scheduled to take place on February 22 at Brymore School, Somerset.

Sarah-Jane Trask from NFU Mutual, which supports the event, said: "Farmers often say that they know what makes for safe behaviour, but sometimes need a reminder to make sure they follow safe practices at all times."

Lydia Mitchell, a paralegal from Clarke Willmott, and Sam Harkness, a criminal and regulatory solicitor, will provide advice on cattle handling and public access.

Ms Mitchell explained: "The presentation will highlight their responsibilities in managing livestock in fields crossed by public footpaths and used by walkers."

South West Farmer: Experts in agricultural activities, including the safe handling of all-terrain vehicles, tractors,

Information on the warning signs of sepsis will also be shared, a condition seen frequently among outdoor workers.

Ms Trask added: "The presentation on sepsis will be particularly important as farmers are often so busy they can neglect seeking medical help."

Numerous organisations will be represented at the event, such as NFU Mutual Risk Management Services, the Devon and Somerset Fire Brigade and safety experts Vulcan Inspection Services.

The event, organised by NFU Mutual’s Sedgemoor Agency, begins at 9.30am and ends at 3pm.

Farmers can register to attend by emailing`.