Prime Minister Rishi Sunak unveiled a package of farming and food sector support to more than 100 industry representatives from across the UK.

Mr Sunak announced the raft of measures at the second Farm to Fork Summit at Downing Street.

One of the key planks is the UK Food Security Index, designed to allow the government, agricultural industry, farmers and crofters to monitor annually impacts of external factors on food production.

The government has also announced further action to ensure fairness across the food supply chain, committing to delivering regulations to improve fairness in the fresh produce and egg sectors.

In addition, a new Blueprint for Growing the UK Fruit and Vegetable Sector, sets out how industry and government can work together to increase domestic production and drive investment into the sector which is worth more than £4bn to the UK economy.

NFU Scotland president Martin Kennedy attended the event and welcomed the introduction of the food index.

He said: “Food security is something we have taken for granted for too long. The impact of severe weather on farms over the past year and the long-running conflict in Ukraine has shown us we need to have food security higher up the agenda.

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“The new Food Security Index will hopefully allow the UK government and farming sector to prepare themselves for future barriers to sustainable and profitable food production.

“If we focus on our own food production industry, farmers and crofters will not only deliver for our consumers but we will continue to look after the environment and combat climate change.”

The Prime Minister also pledged £80m to support the horticulture sector in a bid to reduce imported product. While President Martin Kennedy was in support of this commitment, it remains unclear whether this will be implemented in all devolved nations.

READ MORE | Farm to Fork summit measures welcomed by industry leaders

Throughout the event, Mr Sunak held emphasis on technology as the way forward for farming. After a garden reception celebrating UK food production, Mr Kennedy attended a breakout session on growing an innovative sector where gene editing, automation, research and development, net zero innovation, and artificial intelligence, were all discussed.

Mr Kennedy concluded: “Speaking to representatives from the UK farming sector, UK farming union leaders and fellow MPs at Downing Street today, the Prime Minister committed to continue to invest in and support farmers to produce the best of British food to strengthen our food security, championing innovation in the sector.

“We are in an election year, but that is a commitment that we would be looking to any future UK Government to uphold.”

Farming minister Mark Spencer said: “This government will always back British farmers. Food production is the primary purpose of farming, and our farmers and food producers work hard to keep the nation fed, despite challenges including flooding.

“Supporting our farmers and food producers is at the heart of our plans and we are committed to working with them. We are pressing on with our plan by investing in food security and resilient farming businesses, providing business advice and cutting unnecessary red tape.

“It is an exciting time and we are investing in innovation, ensuring the sector has the labour it needs, further embedding fairness in the supply chain, and making sure the sector is attracting the best and brightest.”