A WILD swimming pool with a jetty and decking will be created at a Dorset farm site.

The pool is part of a planning application, granted by Dorset Council, to convert a stone barn and another building to accommodation at Crosses Farm House, Mowes Lane, Marnhull.

The application also includes a small area of ground-mounted solar panels.

Said a planning agent in the application to the council: “The natural swimming pool is proposed to land situated to the north-east of the farmhouse. This has been designed by a natural swimming pool consultant to provide a mix of swimmable area and a regeneration zone to maintain the water quality.

"The regeneration zone uses planting to naturally filter water to create safe water for swimming without the need for harsh or harmful chemicals. The swimming pool will provide the occupants with a safe area to swim and promotes healthy habits and wellbeing. The natural ethos of the swimming pool means its impact on the landscape will be minimal as it will appear as a natural pond with a deck and jetty.

"The decking area is proportional to what is required to access the swimmable area safely and provides space for sitting next to the pool to observe nature; an activity which also brings health benefits by encouraging connection to nature.”

Marnhull Parish Council raised no objection to the proposal and a Dorset planning case officer decided that there would be no ‘harm’ to the village conservation area, a short distance away.