MORE than 1,200 visitors descended on a farm in Dorset on Open Farm Sunday. 

The Bowditch family, supported by the Marshwood Vale Farmers Cluster and the Melplash Agricultural Society’s Discover Farming Team, opened their gates to the public on June 9. 

The event was held at Francis Buglers, West Dorset Grain Co-op and Knowle Farm on the outskirts of Beaminster. 

Visitors enjoyed a range of activities from churning butter to birthing a cow. Guests travelled around the farm thanks to tractor and trailer rides, and had the chance to watch Ed Bowditch's cows being milked and the calves being fed at Knowle dairy. 

Local organisations also took part in the day, including Dorset Landscape, Butterfly Conservation, and rare sheep breed enthusiasts. 

James Bowditch said: “The event was a true community effort, with volunteers ranging from farmers and their children to the Buglers and the Discovery Farming crew who you’ll see again later in the year at the Melplash Show on August 22.  

"Special thanks to all the local farming families who helped us with the day: Buglers, Cases, Curtises, Fookes, Gregorys,  Hardwills, Hollands, Hutchings, Streatfeilds and Stovers.  

"We all hope the event leads to a deeper appreciation of farming, of where our food comes from and how intertwined farmers are with the local environment that we are the custodians of.  We love what we do and enjoyed sharing our lives for one Sunday with everyone who came along!”

Visitors also enjoyed wild meat burgers, curries and Baboo ice cream during the Open Farm event.