FARMERS and land owners in the south west are being invited to a free event to learn about soil health. 

Joel Williams, an independent plant and soil health educator, is giving a talk in Cornwall next month all about soil structure and health, and nitrogen and nutrient use efficiences. 

He has an interest in farming systems that manage soil biology along with crop and soil nutrition to optimise plant immunity and soil function, and has extensive practical experience in Australia, UK and Canada.

A spokesperson for Future Farming Resilience, organisers of the event, said: "Most flooding and pollution incidents in Cornwall and Devon have been caused, at least in part, by significant soil compaction.

(Image: Newsquest)

"Poor soil structure and condition also impact on farm productivity, business profitability and biodiversity. At this event, the role of good soil structure and health in natural flood management are considered, both in the Mevagissey catchment and the wider Cornwall and Devon landscape.

"As well as natural flood management the event will look at the role soil health has on maximising nutrient use efficiencies. By maximising these nutrient inputs, land managers can ensure better crops and minimise the impact on the wider environment."

The workshop is available for any farmer or land manager in Devon, Somerset, Dorset, Cornwall or the Isles of Scilly, who are currently in receipt of BPS payments. 

The event is free to attend, but guests should register by clicking here

Attendees will be asked to complete a Monitoring Information Form, so they will be elegible to participate in the Future Farming Resilience Project and receieve 1:1 support or attend further workshops. 

The workshop will be on Tuesday, July 9, at Heligan Kitchen near Mevagissey. It will start at 5:30pm with registration and an early supper (sandwiches and hot drinks).

The talk will start at 6:30pm and last until 7:45pm when there will be a chance to ask questions.