A SCOTTISH woman is heading to Cornwall next month in an attempt to break a sheep shearing world record. 

Una Cameron, 51, from St Boswells, is taking on the nine hour women's solo ewe record at Trefranck in Cornwall on August 7. 

Una has been sheep shearing for more than 30 years, and she is taking on the challenge to raise money for Blood Cancer UK and St Luke's Hospice. 

"It is the nine-hour women's solo strong wool ewe record that I’m attempting to break," she said.

"Set by Kerri-jo Te Huia in 2018 at 452, and broken by Sacha Bond earlier this year, I’m attempting to beat 458 adult ewes in nine hours! Both these records took place in New Zealand so I’ll be the first Scottish woman ever to attempt a shearing record and it will be the second women's world record attempt in the Northern Hemisphere.

“I’m so grateful for the opportunity, but it’s certainly a team effort. It would mean the world if people would donate to the charities I’m representing, Blood Cancer UK and St Luke’s Hospice.

"I was sat at a funeral last year, from someone who died from blood cancer and realised how much the disease has impacted those around me. People I’ve sheared with have had it and it’s not a disease that’s talked much about which - considering even with treatment people can pass away - is worrying.”

To donate to Una's GoFundMe, click here

Una will be shearing adult Romneys, which must have at least 3.1kg of wool to be of world record standard. 

During the day, international judges will be scrutinising the quality of Una's work, and ensure she follows the rules of the World Sheep Shearing Records Society. 

The attempt will include five seperate shearing 'runs'. The first is two hours long and the last one is an hour and 45 minutes. Each will be seperated by either half an hour or hour long breaks. 

Una has chosen to raise money for Blood Cancer UK during the attempt, which is dedicated to beating leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma. 

Rhia, from Blood Cancer UK.Rhia, from Blood Cancer UK. (Image: Blood Cancer UK)

Rhia Stankovic, fundraising manager for Wales and the South-West at Blood Cancer UK, added: “We wish Una the best with her world record attempt.

"Every penny raised for Blood Cancer UK will help power world-class research, helping people affected by the UK’s fifth most common cancer. Without the support of people like Una, we wouldn’t be able to make the breakthroughs in treatments.”

Una will attempt to break the world record at Trefranck Farm in Launceston, Cornwall, with Resilient Romneys UK sheep enterprise.