A pre-app inquiry into building 30 homes in a field on the outskirts of Mabe has been condemned as “absolute madness” by one local resident.

The inquiry comes as the newly installed Labour government announced plans to relax laws on building homes on greenfield sites.

Developers Lucy Vernon and David Boscawen want to build the homes, including “affordable” properties, in the field to the south of Mabe Burnthouse, east of Church Road and south of Antron Lane.

There is a proposal for 30 homes on the siteThere is a proposal for 30 homes on the site (Image: CliftonEmeryDesign/CornwallCouncil)
The site is outside, but next to, the village boundary and comprises an agricultural field with hedgerows and trees forming the boundaries of the site. An access exists onto Church Road in the north west corner of the site.

The developers says the site is well located, adjacent to the settlement and also a short distance from local services and facilities including primary school and nursey, pub, community hall, shop / post office, and bus stops all within easy walking distance.

There is a Country Wildlife Site to the east of the site.

They say the application is supported by the Chief Planning Officer’s Advice on infill or “rounding off” the outline of a settlement boundary.

They say as a result, the development of the site would not result in development visually extending into the open countryside.

”Considering the benefits of the site more widely, the site is in a sustainable location in terms of its accessibility to the range of services and facilities which exist in the village, including a shop, post office, primary school, pub, village hall, play areas and hairdresser.

“There are also nearby bus stops on Antron Hill a short distance to the north which provide access to other settlements, including Penryn, Falmouth and Truro. Furthermore, the Kernick area of Penryn is within acceptable walking distance of the site and this area includes a supermarket and employment opportunities in Kernick Industrial Estate.”

The new homes would be accessed from Church Road with an access proposed to be taken approximately 30m north of the southern boundary of the site.

But the proposals have not met with approval from some local residents with one condemning it as “absolute madness”.

Another said: “It’ll be such a shame if this green space is developed on.”

The enquiry will be discussed at the next meeting of Budock Parish Council’s planning committee.