THE first event in a programme set to help Dartmoor farmers is taking place on Wednesday (July 17). 

The 2024 Farm for the Future programme, which is run by the Dartmoor Hill Farm Project and The Royal Countryside Fund, will start with an event at Princetown Community Centre this week. It will start at 7pm.

There will be a presentation from Our Upland Commons (Foundation for Common Land) which feeds back on their ‘Cost of Commoning’ report (which uses sector data from the Farm Business Survey), as well as an introduction to the Upland Farmer Toolkit - an online resource to support decision making and costings. 

The Farm for the Future programme is offering its last year of support this year, after running events since 2021. It is funded by Defra’s Future Farming Resilience Fund, and any tenant or owner-occupied farm currently in receipt of BPS in England is eligible to join for free.

If you would like to sign up, you must do so before September 30 by emailing

To find out more about the programme, click here

Future events will focus on practical understanding of options and applications e.g. latest SFI options, considering Moorland options or reassessing HLS vs SFI, and support with mapping skills to help with these steps. 

A spokesperson for Dartmoor Hill Farming Project said: "The programme remains open to new contacts for a limited time wishing to make use of this free offer, including the option for a private one to one consultation. 

"Dartmoor Hill Farm Project are working with The Royal Countryside Fund to provide you with ongoing, personalised support to help your farm move forward.

"Don't miss out on this final year of support."