A PROGRAMME that provides free business and environmental support for farmers has just launched its final year of support. 

The Farm for the Future programme, run by the Royal Countryside Fund (RCF), offers one-to-one meetings with farm consultants to provide support to access schemes such as the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI). 

Farm for the Future is providing workshops and one-to-one meetings for farmers who received the now-closed Basic Payment Scheme (BPS). The programme covers 18 locations across England, and offers in-person support and online support. 

READ MORE: Farm for the Future event in Princetown, Dartmoor, this week

Mick, who attended Farm for the Future sessions in Lancashire, said: “One of the key things I’ve got out of the programme was learning more about the SFI opportunities – I’ve now got all the paperwork ready to go.

"It is beneficial to be in discussion groups with open-minded people willing to discuss ideas as well as giving everyone an outlook for the future.”

Registration for Farm for the Future closes at the end of September 2024. To find your local group or to register visit www.royalcountrysidefund.org.uk/farmforthefuture.

With over 1500 farming families taking part across England since 2021, 95% of participating farmers say they have increased confidence in their ability to plan for the future.

Maddy Taylor, head of operations at The Royal Countryside Fund, said: “Farm for the Future is a proven source of trusted advice, delivered in an approachable, relatable way. The Royal Countryside Fund, as a charity, is able to give this advice entirely impartially, and we aim to provide ongoing support to Farm for the Future farmers long after the programme has ended.

"We’re working with an excellent network of local and regional farm support groups to deliver Farm for the Future, who have an in depth understanding of the issues facing farms in their local area.”