THE Outstanding Achievement Award (sponsored by NFU Mutual) was given to Trevor, Jo and Shannon Weyborn from The Sheep Show in Barnstaple, Devon.

The team were presented with the award at the South West Farmer Awards 2023 ceremony last November. 

On winning the award, Trevor said: “Winning the outstanding achievement award was fantastic and quite humbling. We love what we do here at The Sheep Show and truly believe that educating people about sheep, shearing and wool is an important part of what we do. We were absolutely thrilled to be nominated for the award, but to win was incredible.

“We would like to say a big thank you to South West Farmer and to NFU Mutual for the award. We are now striving to make the show bigger and better to enable us to educate even more people about British Agriculture.”

(Image: Newsquest)

Trevor is a second generation farmer who sadly lost his family farm after his grandparents left the farm. He joined the ambulance service in 1989 and became a specialist paramedic. After leaving the ambulance service in 1014, Trevor started contract shepherding and shearing to get back into the farming industry.

In 2007, Trevor and his partner Joanna were given the opportunity to rent land at Delly Farm in Yarnscombe where they have been farming for the last 15 years. In 2022, they became owners of The Sheep Show. This presentation introduces visitors to nine different breeds of sheep, with facts and figures about each one. There is also a live shearing display and some dancing sheep at the end.

The Sheep Show visits more than 120 outdoor events, and the team employ four presenters and then four helpers