YOUNG farmers from Devon have raised more than £8,000 by taking on the Three Peaks Challenge last week.

Devon YFC members took part in the challenge to raise money for charity. The team set off on Tuesday, July 16 and climbed Ben Nevis in Scotland, Scafell Pike in England and Snowdon in Wales in just 24 hours.

READ MORE: Devon YFC take on three peaks challenge for charity

So far, the team has raised £8,143 for The Farming Community Network, RABI and Devon YFC. 

FCN provides practical and pastoral support to farmers and their families through difficult times. Their national helpline provides free, confidential support to anyone who seeks help and their website contains some valuable resources to improve farming resilience.

RABI also offers practical, financial, and emotional support to farming people. Among the many professional services offered, they provide counselling support, mental health training and an online mental wellbeing service.

To donate, or leave a message of support to the team members, click here

A spokesperson for Devon YFC said: "We wanted to undertake this challenge not only to test ourselves and raise money, but also to raise awareness of these incredibly vital charities that support young people’s mental health.

"A huge thank you to everyone that has donated and supported our Three Peaks Challenge.

"Your donations kept us going and we have read every single one of your messages of support. I can confirm that the team are well-rested since the challenge, but still feeling pretty sore!

"It has been amazing to see the farming community come together to support us in this challenge and we have been overwhelmed by the huge amount of positive messages we’ve received. Thank you!"