A DONATION to charity was made at the first ever Early Exmoor Horn sale last month. 

The sale, a new event run by the Exmoor Horn Sheep Breeders Society, took place on Friday, August 23 at Cutcombe Market, near Minehead. 

READ MORE: Exmoor Horn Sheep Breeders Society to host sale in August

The first lots in the ring were donated to charity, with a cheque being presented to The Beacon Centre at Musgrove Park Hospital in Taunton.

A shearling ewe from the Blackmore family saw the hammer fall at 340gns, purchased by Mr W Howard, Exford. 

A ram lamb donated by Gary Atkins and family saw spirited bidding ending with 1360gns total and finally going home with Messrs JR Richards & Son, Porlock.

Angie Andrews, Fran Willes and Alison Habberfield wish to thank everyone who supported the cake sale in aid of The Beacon Centre, Musgrove Park Hospital. A total of £427.50 was raised and there are plans for another cake sale this month.

The sale also included a judging demonstration and an 'Introduction to Exmoor Horns' workshop.