YOUNG farmers visited a farm in Truro earlier this month to learn all about ducks. 

Roche YFC members were joined by Threemilestone and Falmouth young farmers for a farm tour of Valley Ducks. The farm provides eggs to St Ewe Free Range Eggs under the name 'Dabbling Ducks'. 

Rodney, Jake and the family gave a farm tour of their beef, sheep and duck farm. 

The tour began with a visit to the herd of Kurlycoat Pedigree Simmentals and Charolais. Jake gave a talk about how the herd has developed over the years and how they have sourced the best genetics from sales, all while pointing out the animals they had successfully shown, and ones they were potentially going to show in the future. 

"Next up was the flocks of Texel and Suffolk sheep, which weren’t playing ball for Rachel however they all looked great and definitely had great locomotion," said a spokesperson for Roche YFC.

"Rodney then took over the tour showing members their newly built incubator and hatcher room with two machines that can hold up to 2000 eggs. 

"We then headed up to the duck houses where they explained each egg is collected and checked by hand!

"We then got to see the ducks while Rodney explained how each house is kept at a certain temperature with heat lamps and has running water so they are always clean and content this helps to produce a better quality egg at the end of production.

"A huge thank you to Rodney, Jake and family for a fantastic tour and refreshments. It was great to see a different aspect of farming that a lot of members might not be used to. 

"It was even better to hear about and see all four generations who work the farm (not forgetting Penelope).

"We look forward to another tour in the future when everything is finished!"